Separation of even numbers from given no's
Source program :
- LXI H, 2200H : Initialize memory pointer l
- LXI D, 2300H : Initialize memory pointer2
- MVI C, 32H : Initialize counter
- BACK:MOV A, M : Get the number
- ANI 0lH : Check for even number
- JNZ SKIP : If ODD, don't store
- MOV A, M : Get the number
- STAX D : Store the number in result list
- INX D : Increment pointer 2
- SKIP: INX H : Increment pointer l
- DCR C : Decrement counter
- JNZ BACK : If not zero, repeat
- HLT : Stop
Find the largest of given numbers
Source program :
- LDA 2200H
- MOV C, A : Initialize counter
- XRA A : Maximum = Minimum possible value = 0
- LXI H, 2201H : Initialize pointer
- BACK: CMP M : Is number> maximum
- JNC SKIP : Yes, replace maximum
- MOV A, M
- STA 2300H : Store maximum number
- HLT : Terminate program execution
Sample problem 1:
(2200H) = 04
(2201H) = 34H
(2202H) = A9H
(2203H) = 78H
(2204H) =56H
Result = (2202H) = A9H
Arrange in ascending order :
Source program :
- MVI B, 09 : Initialize counter
- START : LXI H, 2200H: Initialize memory pointer
- MVI C, 09H : Initialize counter 2
- BACK: MOV A, M : Get the number
- INX H : Increment memory pointer
- CMP M : Compare number with next number
- JC SKIP : If less, don't interchange
- JZ SKIP : If equal, don't interchange
- MOV D, M
- MOV M, A
- MOV M, D
- INX H : Interchange two numbers
- SKIP:DCR C : Decrement counter 2
- JNZ BACK : If not zero, repeat
- DCR B : Decrement counter 1
- HLT : Terminate program execution
Program to generate Fibonacci number
Source program :- MVI D, COUNT : Initialize counter
- MVI B, 00 : Initialize variable to store previous number
- MVI C, 01 : Initialize variable to store current number
- MOV A, B :[Add two numbers]
- BACK: ADD C :[Add two numbers]
- MOV B, C : Current number is now previous number
- MOV C, A : Save result as a new current number
- DCR D : Decrement count
- JNZ BACK : if count 0 go to BACK
- HLT : Stop.
Data transfer from one memory block to other memory block.
- LXI H, 4150 : Initialize memory pointer
- MVI B, 08 : count for 8-bit
- MVI A, 54
- MVI M, 00 : store zero it no carry
- LOOP2: MVI M, 01 : store one if there is a carry
- DCR B : check for carry
- HLT : Terminate the program
Add contents of two memory locations
Source program:LXI H, 4000H :HL Points 4000H
MOV A, M :Get first operand
INX H :HL Points 4001H
ADD M :Add second operand
INX H :HL Points 4002H
MOV M, A :Store the lower byte of result at 4002H
MVIA, 00 :Initialize higher byte result with 00H
ADC A :Add carry in the high byte result
INX H :HL Points 4003H
MOV M, A :Store the higher byte of result at 4003H
HLT :Terminate program execution
Sample problem:
(4000H) = 7FH
(400lH) = 89H
Result = 7FH + 89H = lO8H (4002H) = 08H
(4003H) = 0lH